If you are not satisfied with your purchase you can return it within 30 days from the purchase date in original, unused condition for a full refund (shipping charges excluded).
In order to begin the return and exchanges process, you must send an email to with the following information:
Customer Name:
Shipping Address:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Item Description:
Payment Information:
Shipping Address:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Item Description:
Payment Information:
Once this information is received, you will receive instructions on how to complete the return. Return shipping is at the customer’s expense. Once we confirm receipt of the returned item and can verify that the item is in its original, unused condition, your method of payment will be issued a refund. You will receive a confirmation email notifying you of the refund. Please be advised it may take a few weeks for a refund to appear on your credit card statement.
If you purchased at a retail location, you will need to return the item at the original place of purchase. Should the need arise, the retailer will then contact Dapper Set to address this issue.
Items marked as "Final Sale" will not qualify for returns, exchanges or refunds.
Dapper Weddings and Special Events
Our Collection of Full Sets are Ideal as Gifts or to Help...